Quality Office: Good working in offices
Quality Office is the only quality label that combines all of the criteria for high-quality products, competent advice and tailored services and thereby stands for good office furnishings. Only certified products and consultants may use the Quality Office logo.
A single label for all key features
There are many recommendations and quality labels that cover individual aspects of office workplace design. Quality Office combines all of these and offers overarching advice concerning the selection of office furnishing products and service providers.
This makes Quality Office a guide for everyone who wants to optimally furnish offices. After all, the planning and furnishing of offices takes not only functionality and safety into account, but also the office users’ motivation and health.
Two areas — two certificates
Office furniture is certified in ten different categories. The GS mark (Geprüfte Sicherheit — Tested Safety) is a basic requirement for all product certifications. Thanks to the inclusion of additional product attributes such as safety, ergonomics, functionality, flexibility, durability and sustainability, Quality Office-certified products are among the highest-quality items on the market.
Certified consultants have to demonstrate their expertise in theory and in practical application. They analyse customer wishes, offer individual advice and develop concepts for versatile, future-proof office plans, and always do so on the basis of current office design regulations. They regularly attend advanced training courses in order to expand their knowledge and stay up to date.
A shared Basis for Top Quality
Quality Office guarantees quality — with regard to product selection, expert advice, and the planning and realization of office workplaces. The basis for certification is the guideline titled “Quality Criteria for Office Workplaces”, which was jointly drawn up by five renowned institutions for office environments and occupational safety.

Two logos - same quality
For 15 years, Quality Office certifications were represented by a white “Q” on a grey background. 2021/22 the basis for the certifications has been revised and expanded. This was a good opportunity to update the brand’s appearance. All of the existing certificates retain their validity until the specified expiration date — without restriction and at the same level of quality as the newly issued certificates that boast a white “q” on a red background.