Best advice in certified quality
The first thing that generally comes to mind when thinking about office furnishings is furniture. However, the work of the consultants and planners is just as important, because they turn high-quality furniture into tailored working environments. What’s needed is expertise in ergonomics, occupational health and safety, and the organization of work, and knowledge about motivation, communication and the integration of digital tools in office work.
In order to provide expert advice, a person requires extensive specialist knowledge that has to be continuously updated in line with the latest developments in the world of work. That’s why Quality Office also provides certification for consultants, who are referred to as “Quality Office Consultants”. Anyone who plans or sells office furnishings or provides corresponding consulting services is potentially eligible for certification. The certification process involves a test of the individual’s basic specialist knowledge and a subsequent further education system that requires the person to provide proof of participation in professional training measures every three years.
Quality Office Consultants provide expert advice tailored to specific needs. Concepts and plans for future-proof offices are developed on the basis of current office design regulations, and possible issues regarding acoustics, lighting and air conditioning are addressed at an early stage. You can find certified consultants by clicking on the certified consultants menu item.
Consultants, planners and sellers can demonstrate their expertise by obtaining Quality Office certification. They are specifically taught new topics as part of the further education system. At the exclusive “Quality Office Consultant Day”, they can discuss current subjects within the expert network. You can find further information at “Zertifizierung” (content only available in German).

Quality Office Consultant
Unlike the Quality Office certifications for products, the consultant certification is currently limited to persons in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Information on the certification procedure can be found on our German-language site.
Quality Office Consultant
Further education events
Quality Office Consultants have in-depth specialized knowledge. In order to expand it and keep it up to date at all times, we offer a points-based further education system. More information can be found on our German-language site.
Quality Office
Guideline L-Q 2022
The basis for Quality Office certification is the guideline “Quality Criteria for Office Workplaces L-Q 2022”. It defines the requirements that contemporary office workplaces and good consultants have to meet.